Unexpected Partnerships

“Unexpected Partnerships” is a UPRLC-sponsored mentoring program that was launched in 2019. The acronym of the program is “UPRLC”: “Unexpected Partnerships: Refreshing, Leading, Celebrating”, and its goal is to encourage connections between library staff throughout the Upper Peninsula and northern Lower Peninsula. Each applicant is matched with another library staff member; small group partnerships are also available. The program provides the framework for establishing and facilitating the sharing of ideas and professional knowledge, as well as providing support and opportunities for collaboration. Partnerships for the October – September fiscal year are announced at the UPRLC annual conference in September.

”Unexpected Partnerships” committee members are currently Marc Boucher (Lake Superior State University), Amanda Winnicki (Menominee County Library), and Megan Buck (Dickinson County Library). The committee composes the application, selects the partnerships, sends out periodic email prompts to the partners, and conducts a yearly participant survey to find out what is working and what changes could make the program more successful. COMING: partnerships will be evaluated throughout the year, and the committee will facilitate new partnerships if matches don’t seem to be working.

If you are interested in being part of UPRLC’s mentoring program, you can fill out an application form, which will be available soon. For more information contact one of the committee members:

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Upper Peninsula Region of Library Cooperation