The thing about large print is that if you want it, you want it, and regular print size won’t do. Imagine this scenario: Your patron has been waiting for the new book by their favorite author that they placed on hold weeks ago. They needed the large print, and only one or two libraries in the system owned that format. They get the call, the books is in! They get someone to drive them to the library. (They failed the eye exam last time they tried to renew their drivers … read more Records for large print books
The next regular meeting of the UPRLC Board of Directors will be held on Monday, June 3, 2024 at 11 AM Central/12 Noon Eastern. The meeting will be held via Zoom conferencing service. Contact Pam Malmsten ( for more information.
The 2024 UPRLC Annual Conference will be held on September 25th and 26th at the Joseph Heirman University Center on the campus of Bay College in Escanaba. This year’s theme is “Bold Library Futures”. Join us and help create Bold Library Futures!